Drift ring 2024/2025

Drift ring is intended for all young tech enthusiasts who want to be able to do things themselves and understand the principles of how technology works.

In the drift ring, young people acquire the basic knowledge and skills necessary to enter model sports and, in fact, all other technical sports.
You learn to notice details, their importance, and acquire real skills to deal with any technical problems.
In addition to learning the driving techniques and competition strategies of a model car, the model circle talks about the construction of the car and the principles of its maintenance.
They learn to know and use the necessary tools and maintenance tools.
Among other things, each child designs a body for the chassis of his car and realizes it himself.
During the preparation of the chassis and body, driving exercises are done with existing cars.

For the first few times, the focus is on driving and what model drifting is all about. Then they dive behind the desks and start building their very own competition model. To keep motivation up, you can also drive the club models at the end of each lesson.

We will start the drift ring work in the fall by building the car first. It is the same car that every member gets for himself after the drift ring that takes place from September to the end of May.
All members of the drift ring will have their own set of initial parts, which must be built into a competition model from start to finish (the necessary tools for construction are available at the club).
In order to make it even more informative and exciting, we also invite specialists from our field to visit, who show how to prepare and set up the cars to be faster on the track and teach how to behave in different competition situations.
The activity of the drift ring is planned throughout the school year from September to the end of May.
You can join the drift ring even after the beginning of our studies
We welcome all technical enthusiasts from the age of 10 to participate in the drift ring
The cost of the drift ring is 50€/month
The drift ring takes place once a week
In groups of up to 12 members
The main language is Estonian. Support in Russian if needed.
6 Groups:
On Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
15:00 - 16:30 and 17:00 - 18:30
SEPTEMBER - getting to know the spor
OCTOBER - we start assembling our cars
NOVEMBER - assembly of the cars continues, learning to paint the bodies and looking at what parts are attached to the cars and for what purpose
DECEMBER - completion of cars and the first drives with their own cars
JANUARY - drift ring work begins to focus on setting up cars and maintaining them. Students discover that what moves, wears out, and thus learns to treat technology well
FEBRUARY - the main focus is on the physics affecting cars
MARCH - we do in-depth drifting exercises and focus on the psychology of drifting. There will also be a Drift League stage at the CuFa RC Drift and Leisure Center
APRIL - we focus on the analysis of the experiences gained from the competition and honing our skills
MAY - we are preparing for the last competition of the school year

Unfortunately, technical sports are a bit more expensive than, for example, chess or singing, but with our many years of experience, we have come to a solution where instead of the thousands of euros in the past, the investment is many times smaller through a smart choice of equipment. For the sake of clarity, we will break it down in components to avoid possible surprises. We have also solved a situation where a change of interests does not leave valuable equipment purchased for a lot of money to gather dust.

The monthly fee for the drift ring is €50, the tuition fee includes:

Participation in a drifting ring on Mondays, Wednesdays or Thursdays from 15:00 to 16:30 or 17:00 to 18:30 (according to the groups formed).
CuFa RC Drift and Leisure Center circuit usage right with 50% discount
Using the necessary tools and equipment
Participation in competitions held by CuFa RC Drift and Leisure Center with a 50% discount on the participation fee
In addition, students need to purchase a competition model starter kit for €700, which can be paid in 3 installments if desired.
Undercarriage €300
Electronics €290
Appearance €110

The starter kit includes:

1:10 competition class chassis
Remote control with receiver
Motor and speed controller
Steering servo
Small accessories
Basic personal tools

But what happens when interest wanes?

During the entire school year and at the end of it, it is possible for any reason to either buy out the training set or sell it back to the CuFa RC Drift and Leisure Center, receiving compensation of 50% of the new value of the set or components.